we can move Strategy 2021-2030

we can move | Strategy 2021-2030


We can move was formed in 2017 with the aim of helping more people to get active and enjoy the benefits of healthier life.


Prior to the pandemic we’d seen a gradual increase in the number of people becoming active in Gloucestershire. As things stand, these opportunities and their benefits aren’t shared equally across all of our communities.

It remains the case that where we live, our ethnicity and health has a big impact on our health and activity  levels. We have seen green shoots of change, and people in Gloucestershire are working together to enable others to live healthier and happier lives. Leaders in the county have made policy changes so people can become more active, and organisations are collaborating.

Covid-19 has had an enormous effect on all our lives but we haven’t yet been able to fully understand what this means in the long term for sport and physical activity. On the other hand, Covid-19 has also created the opportunity to find new ways in which we can work together to learn from each other.

During the pandemic, we’ve also seen how important sport and keeping active is for many of us and how much we rely on those facilities, places and people – not just for our physical health but for our mental health and wellbeing, too.

  • Our Values

    Be brave

    The best way to see if something works is to give it a go.


    Be curious and listen hard

    Gather learning, insight and data and look to understand the experiences of those with perspectives furthest from your own. 


    Stand shoulder to shoulder

    Everyone owns the movement. Ask for help when you need it, offer it when it will be useful and be prepared to grow ideas together.


    Find the energy

    Focus on strengths, emphasise the positive and gently challenge the negative.


    Build relationships of trust

    Invest in others as much as in getting things done.

    Woman canoeing on river | Active Gloucestershire
  • Our Objectives

    Grow we can move

    so we can support more people and recognise the strength we have by working together.

    Share and learn

    so that everyone is able to enjoy the benefits of a more active life.


    to make sport and physical activity available to everyone regardless of age, disability, race, gender, religious beliefs or background.


    diversity, especially under-represented groups, whilst working with people and projects that share our values.


    people and organisations that help people to be active. Together we will celebrate our successes and failures and encourage each other to do more.

    Stay flexible

    so we can adapt to changes and opportunities

    we can move | Strategy

What we will do

Work together to inspire and engage

We want to create a county where being active part of everyday life and everyone is able to share the benefits of a more active life regardless of age, disability, ethnicity, gender, religious beliefs or background.

Connect with funders & partners

Bring people together to work and learn, whilst connecting people that want to help shape the work. We will engage partners so that they can help us to learn and contribute funds  to help us to achieve our vision.

Engage leaders across the county

Encourage leaders to engage in the movement and work together to help make Gloucestershire a better, healthier and happier place  to live.

Identify places, spaces & infrastructure

Help develop the right places, spaces and infrastructure so that people can live healthier, happier and more active lives. We want a diverse and equal county in which where you live has no impact on your health.

Measure our value and how many people are getting active

Share what’s working and what we are learning – including how many people are actually being active.

Share with success stories

We want to share how the movement’s work has changed people’s lives so that we can learn and celebrate. To maintain support for we can move, we’ll share with partners such as Gloucestershire’s Health and Wellbeing Board, Integrated Care Service, the Enabling Active Communities group, and the Sport England Extended Workforce.

Draw on the support and resources provided by Active Gloucestershire

Active Gloucestershire will help share the work of we can move, supporting growth by building a picture of what’s happening.

Input to and review Active Gloucestershire’s business plan

Active Gloucestershire will write a business plan which will help achieve the vision. The plan will be reviewed every year and will also include Active Gloucestershire’s role as a member of we can move.

  • Our Policies | Active Gloucestershire

    Our Policies

    Our policies set out our commitment, responsibility and approach at Active Gloucestershire.

  • we can move | Active Gloucestershire

    we can move

    Physical activity can have a transformative impact on the lives of people, including their health and wellbeing.

  • News

    The latest updates and news articles from the Active Gloucestershire team

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  • The National Lottery
  • Sport England
  • Active Partnerships
  • Carbon Footprint
  • Race Code
  • Inclusivity Works
  • Disability Confident
  • Cyber Essentials: Certified Plus