Staying active and keeping to Coronavirus guidelines

10th September 2020 | Covid-19

The good news is that from 14 September, whilst social gatherings of more than six people are not allowed, people can continue to:

  • take part in organised sports and activities that have been through Sport England’s ‘return to play’ guidance
  • take part in organised outdoor sports and physical activity events such as park run
  • use leisure facilities including gyms and pools
  • go outside for exercise along or with their household or support bubbles in no more than groups of six, in line with social distancing guidelines.

If you run a group or a club that hasn’t been though the ‘return to play’ checks, get support from Club Matters or a national governing body (NGB). London Sport has published links to the latest guidance from over 50 NGBs here.

Active Gloucestershire continues to prioritise encouraging our staff and our networks to stay safe and healthy. The way we work continues to follow government guidelines.

Our staff team continue to conduct remote meetings and to communicate clearly and in a timely manner to our contacts on any changes to any meetings or activities scheduled.

We will, as always, be available by email and phone.

Our aim is to continue to encourage people of all ages and abilities to be physically active regularly and to support those who enable others to be active. As we know, being active in a way that is right for every individual can improve their physical health, help manage stress and anxiety and generally make them feel better.

We continue to press for real-world changes that will turn Gloucestershire into a place where being active is the easy choice. We continue to do that through we can move – the social movement.

The movement can support you to help get others active, and get you involved in building the movement. Find out more on

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