Covid-19 update for May

17th May 2021 | Covid-19

This article gathers all the latest guidance, information and resources to support you and your physical activity.

With the lockdown in England easing, the rules for outdoor and indoor activities have changed.

As of the 17th May 2021, organised indoor sport can take place for all. This includes gym classes. It must be organised by a business, charity or public body and the organiser must take reasonable measures to reduce the risk of transmission.

Indoor: Indoor gatherings of up to six people (the ‘rule of six’) or a group made up of two households can take place. Organised indoor adult and children sport and physical activity can return (including exercises classes) subject to sport-specific guidance. For organised indoor sport and physical activity, there’s no limit on group numbers so long as people adhere to capacity restrictions on indoor facilities. The maximum occupancy of each indoor facility should be limited by providing a minimum of 100 sq ft per person.

Outdoor: Up to 30 people can meet outdoors. Organised outdoor sport and physical activity can take place in any numbers, subject to sport-specific guidance.

Organised sport and activity include:

  • Organised group activities (such as exercise classes, group cycle rides, walking groups etc.)
  • Organised team sports
  • Other organised sports (such as tennis, badminton, golf, horse riding, water sports etc.)
  • Organised sport participation events (such as road races, running and cycling events, triathlons etc.)
  • Organised contact combat sports (following approved guidance)

All sports facilities can now open. This includes facilities that can be used for sport but are primarily used for leisure (such as trampoline parks, bowling alleys and ice rinks) or which provide a physical activity that is not a recognised sport.

Changing rooms can now open, but participants should be encouraged to avoid or minimise use where possible.

Spectators are also permitted both indoors and outdoors but they should maintain social distancing and must adhere to social gathering limits (groups of up to 30 outdoors and groups of up to six people/made up of two households indoors. Multiple groups of spectators are permitted.). Spectators are allowed indoors, but the total number of all participants, coaches, officials and spectators must be aligned with the ventilation rates permitted by the particular venue. During Step 3, there should not be more than 1,000 spectators indoors at any venue.

You can find out more about the latest restrictions on the government website. Here’s more information from the government on what you’re now allowed to do in terms of exercise:…

You should follow the guidance:

Latest guidance

New National Restrictions from 29th March
The latest guidance from the government on what we can and can’t do as lockdown eases

National restrictions: our support during this period
Sport England’s response to the national lockdown.

Support during lockdown

Supporting your club or community during Coronavirus
A resource to help you support your club or community group.

Funding alert

Please sign up to receive our funding alert where we publish the latest on funding available for the physical activity sector.

Get in touch
We may be able to support you with specialist advice on how to support your activity during the lockdown.

Online training
We offer online training on courses such as first aid, safeguarding and more. Lockdown may be a good period to meet your group’s requirements on this.

Post-lockdown recovery

Getting back to business
Support available for those working in the sport and physical activity sector.

Returning to safe play guide
Practical guidance to help you create a safe playing environment.

Helping to get your school back on the move
Practical and easy to use advice, guidance and tips on physical activity.

Covid-19 and school funding
Six tips for spending the Primary PE and Sport Premium

Get active and stay active

Get active
Resources to help you get more movement in your life, at home or outdoors.

Make homeworking work for you
Figuring out how to maintain a level of normality in our day.

For more information and support, get in touch.

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  • The National Lottery
  • Sport England
  • Active Partnerships
  • Carbon Footprint
  • Race Code
  • Inclusivity Works
  • Disability Confident
  • Cyber Essentials: Certified Plus